Thursday, 13 December 2012

Elvis Tunes And Area 51: A Review Of 'Dreamland' Animated Webcast

By Shanon Lush

December is the month for 'Doctor Who' fandom to flex their democratic muscles, it seems. Fans can vote for the current series on's 'best of television' poll, as well as give their collective nod likewise to The People's Choice Awards. Former Sixth Doctor Colin Baker sadly fell short in his quest to be crowned this season's winner of the British reality TV series 'I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here', though he 'did' manage a few respectable vote tallies during some of the individual contests. While Americans were occupied last month with deciding who would be the 'most powerful man in the world', Whovians this month are busy voting in more important matters, helping to secure 'Doctor Who' in its rightful place as a pop culture institution. Besides, every card-carrying Whovian worth their TARDIS key chains already 'know' the good Doctor is 'really' the most important in the world, or even the universe.